
作者:来源:时间:2024-08-01阅读:博彩译文 [收藏]




















  State Sen. Louise Lucas has floated legislation for the 2024 session that, as written, would allow casino gaming in Portsmouth and Lexington. In both localities, at least 40 percent of property is exempt from local real estate taxes - a requirement of Lucas' proposal. Portsmouth, for example, has several military, government and other facilities.

  The city would like to raise money without hurting residents further. Homeowners pay the highest real estate tax rate in the region and one of the highest in the state: $1.27 per $100 of assessed value.

  I applaud Lucas' moxie - if not her clairvoyance. Does she really think the General Assembly has changed its longtime opposition?

  Lucas' proposal would send some casino taxes to the host localities and other revenues to the state. The Portsmouth Democrat favors putting some of those state dollars into transportation. Money for road- and bridge-building in Virginia has practically vanished, and the lure of new funding could sway some lawmakers to support the idea.

  Lucas, who has criticized the tolls coming to the Downtown and Midtown tunnels in 2024, told me Monday: "I don't want tolling to be the standard to get roads built."

  Lucas said many other states have taken a chance on casinos. They're just another form of entertainment, she reasons: "Doesn't it make sense to have one in the Hampton Roads area?"

  Maybe. The odds of legislative success, however, are low. Mayor Kenny Wright even seemed noncommittal about the prospect.

  Casinos provide jobs and revenues, but they also can lead to gambling addictions and debt for patrons who can't stop pulling the lever, rolling the dice or doubling down. The games are designed to leave players lighter in the wallet. That's devastating for families that can't afford to lose hard-earned cash.

  Clearly, though, folks in our region like to gamble.

  People flocked to poker halls in Portsmouth when the law's ambiguity allowed them to flourish for five years. In 2010, the city's commonwealth's attorney threatened to prosecute, and about a half-dozen halls shut down.

  Internet gaming cafes sparked interest in Virginia a few years ago, before police and prosecutors raided the sites. The General Assembly passed legislation in 2011 to clarify that the sweepstakes operations were illegal.

  Previous attempts to allow expanded forms of gaming in Virginia have been a bust. Riverboat gambling legislation failed in the 1990s. Norfolk officials raised the idea again two years ago, but it ran aground.

  The ongoing saturation of casino gaming makes it more difficult for communities to reap a sizable take. The Pilot's Julian Walker reported Sunday that 24 states now legally permit commercial casinos.

  If you live in South Hampton Roads, you don't have to travel far for a casino fix. From Portsmouth City Hall, it's 138 miles to Ocean Downs. The casino, near Ocean City, Md., opened in January 2011 and offers hundreds of slots.

  It's 176 miles from City Hall to Harrington, Del., which features 1,800 slots, games and live harness racing.

  Twenty miles north of Harrington is the hotel-casino at Dover Downs, Del., with daily poker tournaments, slots and live entertainment. Harness racing takes place half the year.

  If we had casinos in Portsmouth, we could keep some of those dollars here. But the blinking lights and advertised payouts are no panacea.

  No matter how desperate the situation, casinos are a risky bet.

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